Friends have told me about their online disaster dates when they discover the person didn't "update" their physical self photo. But the question I have is do you really think it's considered a disaster if they use old pictures?

My friends, their friends and their friends of friends have one thing in common...that is they're all quick to label the date a disaster just because their physical appearance wasn't to par. When someone uses an older photo, they just want to show you they once looked like the way a model magazine portrays models....beautiful.  Now don't go thinking I'm taking a side here but they both have a logical point of view either way you look at it. In the video above the men that meet up with an over weight woman sends all the dudes packin' except for one. It's crazy how you can connect with someone and be cohesive but your looks can detach that connection.

Watch Simple Pickup's social experiment that leaves the woman with a table for one and drinks for two!

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