ewjxn via YouTUbe
ewjxn via YouTUbe

I went searching for vintage, cheesy, stupid commercials done by El Paso area businesses that I could make fun of and, who do I find first??  Us.

This cracked me up. A couple of teenage girls dis The Q over the things we don't play.  (Which, happily, we STILL don't play.)  At one point, an unknown DJ appears to be toppled from his chair by an unseen force. The station ghost maybe? Or, he tried to do a backflip from a seated position ... who knows?  DJ's are weird.

ewjxn via YouTUbe
ewjxn via YouTUbe

Enjoy it and then, check out this other classic ad featuring used cars and a state of the art free gift.

Back then VCR's were THAT big of a deal, not to mention almost AS big as the cars they wanted you to buy! Talk about a car buying incentive, huh??

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