"The Osbournes" was a groundbreaking series that paved the way for future reality shows featuring rock stars and musicians. Coming after "The Osbournes" was a slew of many more rock reality shows, many of which have been forgotten.
50 states, and a few territories, make up the United States of America. While each may have their own, "speciali", superstitions; who's most hardcore about 'em?
The El Paso Independent School District announced that they will allow fans to attend high school football games starting with season openers October 1st - 3rd.
As expected, El Paso Locomotive FC announced that Friday's home match against New Mexico United will be played without fans at Southwest University Park.
El Paso Locomotive FC is offering fans a chance to have their likeness on a cardboard cutout for all home games, with proceeds benefiting COVID-19 relief funds.