Yucko The Clown Has No Filter Or Shame When He Interacts With People NSFW
Yucko is probably the only clown that doesn't put a smile on your face! He's known for his funny sense of humor by attacking people based on their physical appearance.
This video may be old but it's still funny to watch Yucko be a complete jerk to people he doesn't know. Amatt2009 published this years ago but even though its from 2012 it still cracks you up. I was stunned that most of these people getting bullied by a clown didn't try to kick his butt. Yucko attacked these people on their physical size, smell of their breath and their clothing. It was amazing out of most of the people Yucko hit on some college girls of course in the worst way. Surprisingly Yucko doesn't get his tush kicked for being a complete honest a**hole! If Yucko ever decides to move to another city hopefully he stays far away from El Paso.
If you're looking to hire a clown for a party just make sure his name isn't Yucko!