Today’s The KLAQ BBQ & Grand Finale Of My Top Two Songs From Hinder [VIDEO]
The day is finally here to celebrate KLAQ's 27th annual BBQ over at Western Playland and the finale to my countdown. Just a re-cap of my countdown from Friday night was "Bliss (I don't wanna know)" , "Better than me" then Saturday it was "Lips of an Angel" and "Shoulda". I am excited to announce my top favorites from Hinder that I listen to on repeat. My top two songs today from Hinder are "Get Stoned" and "By The Way" from the Extreme Behavior album. These songs may be older, but do remind me of good times I had back when I was an intern here at the Q. I chose "Get Stoned" cause a lot of the lyrics are hardcore but yet oh so true talking about drugs and sex. From "go home and get stoned" to "cause the sex is so much better when your're mad at me" (Hinder) are some of my many favorite lyrics from this band. My next favorite is "By The Way" which in my opinion explains that someone may let you down constantly, but will always stay the same and never change as much as you would want them to. Well be sure to listen below to my countdown of my favorites from Hinder and hope see you all there at our 27th annual KLAQ BBQ!