
Meteorologist Melee
Meteorologist Melee
Meteorologist Melee
For a city that has more than 302 days of sunshine on average each year, we sure do have a ton of meteorologist. Some are a little crazy, like NewsChannel 9’s Mark Mathis, some are all business, like KFOX’s Sandra Diaz and everyone has their favorite. Cast your vote below for your favorite El Paso meteorologist.
Today’s The KLAQ BBQ & Grand Finale Of My Top Two Songs From Hinder [VIDEO]
Today’s The KLAQ BBQ & Grand Finale Of My Top Two Songs From Hinder [VIDEO]
Today’s The KLAQ BBQ & Grand Finale Of My Top Two Songs From Hinder [VIDEO]
The day is finally here to celebrate KLAQ's 27th annual BBQ over at Western Playland and the finale to my countdown.  Just a re-cap of my countdown from Friday night  was "Bliss (I don't wanna know)" , "Better than me" then Saturday it was "Lips of an Angel" and "Shoulda".