The Lucasfilm/Disney Darth Vader hot air balloon is one of the stars of this year’s KLAQ BalloonFest and it will be accompanied by an honor guard of the 501st Stormtrooper Battalion.
This year marks the 30th annual Balloonfest and it still rocks just as hard as it did from the beginning. Searching around YouTube, I stumbled across a video that was made before I was even born.
KLAQ Balloonfest is happening Memorial Day weekend and I am beyond excited. The summer heat is already taking over El Paso, so it's the perfect time to ride some of the best rides at Wet-N-Wild.
As Rob Zombie nears the end of his '31' film Fanbacked campaign, he's added a few props from his past films 'Lords of Salem' and 'Halloween 2' to raise money.
KLAQ Balloonfest is coming up soon, so ladies, make sure you start planning your festival outfit. Since it is happening at Wet-n-Wild, you're going to want to find that perfect bikini and I think I can help you out by introducing you to the C-String.