El Paso Will Enjoy Until I Wake, Dark Divine & Catch Your Breath
El Paso is seeing a huge increase of concerts for 2023: The Mars Volta, Rival Sons, Motley Crue... and now we can add another set of bands coming in 2023:
It was announced earlier this year that Buffalo New York's Until I Wake has a new tour of 2023 called A Tour Inside My Head. The 2023 tour dates will kick off in March in West Chicago. They've been around for just little over 3 years & have been making quite a name for themselves.
Included on the tour is Orlando Florida's Dark Divine, who have only been around for little over a year since 2021.
& Catch Your Breath From Austin, Texas who have been active since 2017.
Included on their 2023 date are a few Texas dates:
- April 6th in Austin at Come & Take It Live
- April 8th in Dallas
- April 9th in San Antonio at the Paper Tiger
- and April 11th in El Paso at the Rockhouse Bar & Grill
There's also additional Arizona date in Phoenix on April 12th.
All 3 bands have been rising stars in the metal world; Catch Your Breath in particular with their latest single "Dial Tone" being featured on popular social media pages like Matt Bevan, who definitely helped boost the song's popularity back in December.
As of 2023, none of these bands have ever appeared in El Paso so this will be the debut for all 3 groups. So I'm sure they'll all be looking to make a very good first impression for new & old fans.
If you want to get your tickets for the El Paso show, you can get yours right here. If you want to know some other Texas bands you NEED to check out, you can find plenty more here.