Winds Blow Over Moving 18-Wheeler Onto Highway Patrol Car
Well, this is the most heart-sinking moment I've seen this week -- I don't know about you. It happened in Wyoming, but anyone from the Borderland knows it could easily happen here, too.
The Wyoming Highway Patrol was out helping motorists from a separate accident when high winds took an 18-wheeler and blew it onto its side. A high-wind advisory was in effect at the time, and this video shows exactly why you should heed those advisories. Even if you're traveling at a reduced speed, Mother Nature is a hefty girl, and sometimes she can go all Ivan Drago from Rocky IV on you.
So, anyway, remember that traveling to somewhere late is MUCH better than traveling somewhere dead.
Also, tipping an 18-wheeler over onto a law enforcement car is a really low-quality idea. I'd take that one off your list if you're considering it.
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