Veronica Recaps Her Favorite Hyundai Sun Bowl Game Over the Years
When you are a child, your parents get you to jump on their team's bandwagon. Growing up I first began supporting the Texas Longhorns since my dad was a fan. But as time passes and you get older you start to form your own opinions and favorites. So as time passed and I got older I started cheering for another college football team. That college football team I had always wanted to see play someday before I die was USC Trojans. Luckily, I didn't have to travel far to see them play for my first time. My favorite Hyundai Sun Bowl Game I enjoy recapping is from 2012. The USC Trojans were scheduled to play in El Paso, Texas for the Hyundai Sun Bowl. The USC Trojans were going to be battling it out on the Miners field with Georgia Tech. The teams were set to play on December 31, 2012. I was extremely excited because my plus one to see one of my favorite college football teams with me was my son. We got bundled up in our jackets and beanies and got to the game just in time for kickoff. I remember a lot of El Pasoans weren't too happy with the USC Trojans for their reasons but I was stoked.
We had a blast at the game and ordered a large sprite and two hotdogs to enjoy during the game. There was so much excitement all around us, we had such a blast watching the football game. Although our USC Trojans didn't win the game we were happy to at least be a part of it. But when my son asked if our team won, the poor kid was so disappointed when I told him USC lost. Oh, I even made sure to capture his disappointing face after telling him the bad news you can see below. So my son and I did what other fans did towards the end of the 4th quarter, make an early exit. The final score was USC Trojans 7 and Georgia Tech 21. Thanks to Richard Lee, he captured a video above of a referee blowing a call. Out of all the games that have been played in El Paso, which was your favorite to attend? Pick the time frame you got to see your favorite college team play at the Sun Bowl below.