This Cheating Scandal Has The Funniest Plot Twist Ever
This cheating scandal will definitely throw you for a loop and have you laughing! If you've experienced something similar to this, hopefully you can laugh at it now.
Bigg Jah re-enacted this sad truthful experience and turned this real life scenario into a hilarious comedy. It does hurt to get cheated on, and hurts even more when it involves your best friend at the time. Normally after watching something like this we would feel sadness, but not this time! This would be one for the books that has a plot twist in the ending. Nothing is more bittersweet than watching karma happen in front of your eyes. Once you get 58 seconds into the video is when the plot twist gets juicy. This is exactly why women would prefer a man best friend over a woman any day.
No one enjoys watching someone get cheated on, but in this case you will enjoy it!