The NSFW Reason You’re Seeing “Spell Coconut” Everywhere
We all know how to spell "coconut" right? C-O-C-O-N-U-T. Now, if you're suddenly seeing "spell coconut" on all social media platforms and wondering why, well let me enlighten you. Spelling is about to turn you on.
A meme involving sex and coconuts is going viral. Don't worry, this isn't something sick/disgusting- but honestly, you never know with the internet. It all started in February when Twitter user @DanielMarven Tweeted out a bit of advice to the ladies:
Then, according to Know Your Meme, it finally spread to the rest of social media just this summer. Trust that I have seen it everywhere. Lots of women have seen it, and it's not a lie when I say that many of them, upon reading that Tweet, immediately tried to spell coconut with their waist, no matter where they were, be it their office chair or laying in bed.
Needless to say that all of social media got hot and bothered. Many pointed out that it could get awkward. This sex tip raises lots of questions like: "Should it be in cursive?" or "Should it be upper case or lower case?" and "Does this work for men as well?" But I think this Tweet sums it up for many of us:
If anyone has tried this, or plans on trying it, please report back!