I remember growing up watching The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and was always laughing up a storm. This year, they're bringing the sitcom back to life in a dramatic way. The director, Morgan Cooper wanted to take a different approach to film this classic. This movie Bel Air will more than likely give you more tears than laughs. The film highlights the struggle he goes through in his hometown and completely flips his life around. Now, this trailer was released on March 20, 2019, and has grabbed a lot of views since then. I haven't seen or heard if Bel Air will in theatres anytime soon. The only thing that is holding back this classic is the funding. There was enough funding for the trailer just waiting for the entire fund for the film. I am very excited and hoping this movie will eventually be released since I enjoyed the sitcom. If you would like to see this film Bel Air place your vote down below.


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