The “Bad Moms” Are Fine With Their Kids Dropping The F Bomb NSFW
Now these are some bad a** moms for not getting overly upset about their kids dropping the F bomb! My mom doesn't get on my case if I drop the F bomb, if anything she just ignores that I said it.
As for my dad, well all hell would break loose and he would rip me a new one. These moms tell all about using that word and how it's just a word. Kjersti Flaa has the honor of interviewing the three stars from Bad Moms 2 about using the F word. Mila Kunis said she doesn't mind if her daughter uses the F word but only if it's used properly. That statement couldn't be any more accurate because there is a difference on how you use the word. The worst way to use the word would be by telling someone off. Now if you use the word in the sense of messing something up, then that's okay by these moms.
Hear some of their stories on how they are okay with the F bomb being using in their household.