Texas Launches Virtual Map To Find School Meals During Pandemic
The State of Texas will be launching a virtual map called MealFinder to help find school meals during the coronavirus pandemic. Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced yesterday that the Texas Education Agency will be launching a virtual map to help families find where schools are serving meals during the coronavirus pandemic. The map will show locations all over the state of Texas.
The Texas Students MealFinder Map will be launched this Friday and will include addresses of facilities serving meals and the days and times when those meals will be served. The virtual map will be updated continuously during this crisis, according to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. The Texas Students MealFinder Map will be available on the Texas Education Agency website. Here 's what Governor Greg Abbott has to say about the state launching the new virtual map to help out families with children in Texas:
“I am grateful for our local education agencies’ commitment to their students by providing meals to families as our schools remain temporarily closed. The State of Texas urges our local partners to complete this application through the Texas Department of Agriculture to ensure accurate, up-to-date information is available for Texas families.”
If there is a school that needs to be included, they can fill out an application through the Texas Department of Agriculture's website.