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This kid is either a hero or is an absolute idiot. He might be both. Either way, you can donate to his GoFundMe to help him pay for damages at Denny's. This kid is either a hero or is an absolute idiot. He might be both.

When booking a show, venue choice is important. You need a place that has enough space for the band to run around, a large crowd to gather and has plenty of Grand Slams available to eat. Okay, that last one isn't the best idea for a punk venue and Denny's may not be a fan of holding shows, especially after the events in Santa Ana, Ca.

On Saturday, December 14th a 17-year-old amateur promoter booked Long Beach punk rockers Wacko for a show inside a local Denny's diner. A spokesperson for the Denny's says that they did give permission for an "event" inside the Denny's but they did not know it was going to be a punk rock show. Footage of the concert shows the large audience packing the restaurant and peering through windows into the restaurant, and the crowd inside can also be seen moshing, crowd surfing and damaging parts of the restaurant. After the concert, the band Wacko said the teenage promoter is now being held accountable for damages to the restaurant according to their Instagram post:

Since the story has now gone viral, a GoFundMe was started to help the promoter pay for the damages and they have already hit the goal. You can also check out more footage of the concert below and the entire show is available in the video at the top. Looks like this Denny's has lived, learned and now will stick to serving up Grand Slams instead of moshpits.

Denny's Offers Free Breakfast In Effort To Aggressively Promote Sales
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