The City of El Paso International Airport is pleased to announce the expansion of daily flights to San Diego with a new, year-round service, on Southwest Airlines.
The Free the Nipple campaign is till going strong as more people join in on events that attempt to promote equality and protest censorship laws in the United States. This week, students at UC San Diego organized an event to help "Free the Nipple."
Stay classy, San Diego. You could be frustrated because you came to San Diego Bay early to get a good spot, spent the whole day waiting for the big fireworks show, then, after a glitch fired off every last rocket in one 15-second burst, spent two hours looking at taillights just to get out of the parking lot. But you stay classy...
Time again for Motorcycle Monday!! Brought to us by Santa Teresa Motorsports ... 910 Livingston in The Upper Valley. Between now and the end of the month, tell them KLAQ sent you and you can get any in stock GSXR1000for only $12199 plus ttl/doc. That's over $2000 off. Offer good till 9/30/2011" Sweeeeeeeet!!