Zillow Gone Wild has done it again! Last month, they shared a post on their Facebook page featuring a Fort Worth, Texas home that featured what seemed to me like a very calm and cozy home on the outside, however, inside it was another story!
So "American Idol" is about to crown a winner. Whoop-di-friggin do! I hate "American Idol. "A bunch a clean cut boys and girls with the occasional bearded dreadlock freak, some punked-out pierced butch and the token fat kid.
This just in from Scientology Headquarters: Ricky Gervais was a pop icon himself before he made fun of them. Here he is in all his 80's plucked-eyebrow Brit Pop glory. Eat your heart out David Bowie!
Gibson has been compiling a list of the best riffs from the 80's and have put out their list of the 10 "most totally awesome" riffs of the decade:
10. RUSH - "Limelight":
"Sharing trio space with one of the best bass players on the planet and probably the best drummer on Earth, (Alex) Lifeson still manages to stand out...