I know I'm not alone in this awesome sickness that electrifies the body, mind and soul. Whether it comes out cold, hot, canned, or bottled, serve me up a double! That's right any way I can get my fix I'll take it, just bring it!

Now if you've ever heard me on the air, I'll explain that I've either had too little or too much coffee. I love coffee!! People here especially our Operations Manager Kevin Vargas has witnessed my repeated trips to the coffee machine. Early Saturday shows always leads to a large amounts java consumed. It doesn't end there! If I could get a sponsorship from any of the following, Monster, Red Bull, Rockstar, Mountain Dew, the list goes on, more money would stay in my bank account!

So there you have it friends, my craze mad love for the upper that is legal and inexpensive. If you care to and have read this next time I'm out at a remote show up and lets rock out with our caffeine out!



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