In America Cinco de Mayo involves partying it up with all the best foods and alcohol made in Mexico but everyone seems to forget one staple food. The pink cake!
Yes, that's right I said it and I meant it, 27 years ago. When my parents moved us from California the first pop I heard came from the best soda ever! Now entering a world of pure imagination!
Come with me and just grasp the thought of one of bubble gums giants Hubba Bubba turning their sticky pink into liquid form...
I know I'm not alone in this awesome sickness that electrifies the body, mind and soul. Whether it comes out cold, hot, canned, or bottled, serve me up a double! That's right any way I can get my fix I'll take it, just bring it!
Now if you've ever heard me on the air, I'll explain that I've either had too little or too much coffee...