You have to really plan your travels these days to get the most out of your gasoline. One way to increase your mileage is to cut back to two wheels.

A Facebook meme I saw the other day appears to be about a woman who was robbed at a convenience store. After a detailed description of how quickly it happened and how violated she felt, the cop asks her for a description. She replies, "it was pump number 2.".

Seriously, that's how bad it's getting. Especially here in El Paso where we have the highest gas prices in Texas. Gas prices are no joke and peeps are scaling back on their driving to try and get every last mile out of their tanks.

One way to up your mileage, and have fun doing it, is to get that motorcycle you've probably, deep inside, always wanted anyway. Granted you might incur a new monthly payment but, with gas prices as they are, your fuel savings might offset most, if not all, of that payment for you. Many new models are pretty reasonably priced and there are used bikes all over the place that are even cheaper.

If you're into Harley Davidsons, you have Barnett Harley Davidson on the east side. For Indian lovers, Barnett can also help you out with their dealership on Montana. Kawasaki fans  can hit up Edge Kawasaki on Montana. For Yamaha, Suzuki, BMW and others, Viva Powersports on Magruder can save you gas and time as they offer all those brands.

Used bikes are available at these dealerships and also at garages and custom shops all over town. Places like Sinister Kustoms on McCombs, Rio Grande Shovelheads on Doniphan, or Brotherhood on Montana, either have bikes available or they know folks selling privately. You can shop online too.

Don't be afraid to ask for different brands at the big dealerships either. Many have different models they have taken as trade-ins available in addition to the brand(s) they represent.

As prices continue to rise, follow me for a list of bicycle and skateboard shops as well as Sun Metro routes and work from home opportunities.


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