Father’s Day Photos: Celebrate Dad by Sharing a Photo With Us
93.1 KISSFM, 95.5 KLAQ and TFCU want to honor your Dad on Father's Day by sharing your love for him. Not only do we want to highlight the man who has helped give you life, but we also want you to help him win a prize package!
All you need to do is send us a photo of your father and tell us why he is the #1 Dad in El Paso, ONLY through our free 95.5 KLAQ app. Since everyone always says they have the #1 Dad, it is time to finally tell us why. No mug or tie will do, only this exclusive prize package from your friends at Townsquare Media El Paso.
The Grand Prize will include:
· A watch courtesy of Johnson Jewelers
· 3 Gift Baskets of Kettle Corn courtesy of El Paso Kettle Corn
· Catering for up to 10 ppl courtesy of Tacotote
Here is how you enter:
First, download the free 95.5 KLAQ app:
Once you do, tap the top left menu icon. You will then see the option to submit media.
You then fill out the form and attach the photo of your Dad. Tap submit and you will have officially submitted your Dad for our Father's Day photo gallery.
It is really that easy and so are the rules. You must be 18 and older to submit a photo, only one entry per Dad and app. This contest will run until June 19th until 6 a.m. Winner will be randomly chosen from all 95.5 KLAQ and 93.1 KISSFM app entries.
We have teamed up with some of your favorite brands to help create this prize package like Taco Tote, Johnson Jewelers, and El Paso Kettle Corn. We are hoping to bring a smile to your Dad's face so help us to it with this awesome Father's Day promotion!