Adrian Beltre Continues to Be the Most Entertaining Man in Baseball, Gets Booted for Moving on Deck Circle
I love watching Adrian Beltre. You never know what's going to happen. Just like last night. The Rangers got thumped by the Marlins, giving up 22 (TWENTY TWO!!) runs. But that was not the most entertaining part of the game. The most entertaining part was Beltre getting the ole' heave ho for moving the on deck circle. Yeah, you read that right. Just watch the video, courtesy of Detodo Unpoco.
And just in case you needed some more proof that Adrian Beltre is the most entertaining man in baseball, here he is with team mate Elvis Andrus and the shenanigans they get into on the field. Apparently Beltre doesn't like the top of his head to be touched, which of course means people now want to touch the top of his head. Video courtesy of Light House.
And even though this was all about Adrian Beltre, here is another clip worth watching of Munenori Kawasaki talking about "cramping".