A Kick Ass Band! New Medicine
Hi Everyone!
We've been playing a song from a group of guys that I am really digging. The band is from Minneapolis, Minnesota. Was formed in 2009 and were called A Verse Unsung before they became New Medicine. Last year they toured with Chiodos, The Used and this year the band is supporting A7X on the 2011 Nigthtmare after Christmas tour according to wikipedia.
Here is the video of the song "Laid" which we play on air.
If your loving this the album it is titled "Race You To The Bottom" it's something worth listening to.
I also enjoyed "The Take Over". To bad I can't play that for you on air due to its explicit lyrics. It won't stop me from playing it for you on our website. If you get a chance also check out "Rich Kids" I know you'll like it.
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