With video cameras everywhere, it's not that uncommon to see some wild police footage in the world, especially in Texas. Thanks to shows like Cops or World's Wildest Police Videos, we were able to witness some of the craziest footage from all over the United States. Examples include the infamous Corvette chase that ended badly in Arizona or the semi that stopped a pursuit in New Mexico.

There's no shortage of crazy police dashboard camera footage from all over Texas; here are 5 crazy videos you can find online.

This Austin footage shows what you should NEVER say to a cop to get out of a DUI

If you get pulled over by a police officer, it's best to only speak when the cops ask you a question, especially if they suspect you of drinking while driving. There's no way to get out of trouble if that happens. This female suspect learned that NOTHING will change a cops mind, not even sex...

You can tell she regretted her mistake after saying it too.

This Texas suspect will do anything to get away from the cops, even driving on fire

There's no limit to what suspects will do to get away from the police; for example this chase in Jefferson County (just outside of Beaumont), proves that some drivers will risk their life while their car catches on fire and nearly exploding. Police were able to arrest the driver just in time too...

This Texas cop learns that police cars aren't meant to be in the water...

Staying in Beaumont, these 2 officers were chasing a robbery suspect as the chase leads to a narrow road that's next to a canal. The police with the camera loses control and shows what happens when you land upside in the water. Thankfully the officers inside were able to get out

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This Texas driver was caught driving the wrong way on the freeway

In Amarillo, Texas, police were chasing a Ford sedan down the freeway. The driver of the sedan was not a criminal, but he was an elderly driver suffering from Alzheimer's and was trying to get off the road.

Unfortunately he would come face to face with an oncoming car, and the crash was captured on police camera. Amazingly, no one was hurt in either car. The following clip was the same shown on World's Wildest Police Videos.

This Texas woman tried running from the cops...in the nude

Yes if that alone doesn't describe how crazy this chase is gonna be, the footage from this police chase in Baytown, Texas shows you just how wild it is on the Texas roads. The video starts off with a chase & an officer noticing that she's "naked as a jaybird".

After a while a pickup truck joins the chase...and then another. Police were able to stop her but what a wild ride it must've been.

Those are just a few examples on what Texas cops had to deal with on a daily basis back in the 90's and those are just the moments that were caught on tape.

You probably noticed that most of these clips have been shown on tv too (mainly World's Wildest Police Videos); El Paso has also been shown on that show too. You can see just what happened here.

LOOK: Relive the ’90s in These Iconic Photos

These photos capture the good, the grungy, and the groundbreaking moments that defined the ’90s and left their mark on history and pop culture.

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

Texas Police Codes with Descriptions

Ever wondered what police officers were saying to each other in their secret language? Well, not anymore! Here is the full list of all police codes used by Texas DPS, according to The RadioReference Wiki.

Gallery Credit: Nick

Snacks from the '90s That Have Disappeared

Was there anything better than opening your lunch box and seeing Shark Bites packed in next to some Hi-C Ecto Cooler? A simple pleasure kids of today can't experience.

What other snacks came and went from our lives in the 1990s and beyond? Follow us as we look back at some '90s snacks that have since disappeared.

Gallery Credit: Wood

Sounds That Every '90s and 2000's Kid Will Remember

Let's take a listen down memory lane to some classic sounds of the '90s and early 2000s.

Gallery Credit: Danielle Kootman

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