It's October, so we are officially allowed to start talking about our favorite holiday, Halloween. Looking to make a powerful impression this halloween? Here are some tips for choosing the right costume.

First, start with a clear concept: is everyone going to know who you're supposed to be?

WTF Halloween

Add your own personal touch, to make your costume 'you':

WTF Halloween

Gonna be around kids? Make sure you won't scar them by choosing kid-friendly colors, and non-threatening characters:

WTF Halloween

Tandem costumes show that you are sociable, and work well on a team. Grab a friend and double your Halloween spirit:

WTF Halloween

Consider your natural assets, when choosing a costume, and find creative ways to use items from around the house. This will keep the cost down, and challenge your creativity:

WTF Halloween

Make sure your costume allows s for plenty of movement by choosing stretchy, breathable fabrics, and make sure you'll be able to see where you're going:

WTF Halloween

Choosing a costume that evokes a feeling of nostalgia is a great way to meet people with similar interests/backgrounds:

WTF Halloween

Hear a funny story in the news recently? Pop culture references are always a great choice:

WTF Halloween

Single? Halloween parties are a great place to meet people, so choose a costume that still allows you to be attractive:

WTF Halloween

Still feel stuck? Just make it up! No one is looking at the dudes, anyway:

WTF Halloween

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