Central El Paso is Finally Catching Up and Getting a Wingstop
As a person who has grown up in the Northeast side of El Paso, I've grown accustomed to the Northeast never getting anything new. But then I moved and now suddenly the Northeast is booming- what sad fate.
Where I live now is on the cusp of Northeast and Central and let me tell you, if I thought the Northeast was behind, Central is even more behind! At least the Northeast now has Starbucks!
But I'm happy to report that we are finally getting getting with the times and getting a new business!
Central is getting a Wing Stop! I know it's not that thrilling to announce, but trust me, I got super excited when I see that new businesses are coming to my side of town!
The newest Wingstop location will be located at 4020 Monroe inside this strip that also has a laundromat, a dry cleaners and a Speedy's Pizza!
There's not other signage that indicates when this Wingstop will be opened, but according to this Facebook post they are already interviewing for cooks and cashiers; interviews will be held at the Dyer & McCombs Wingstop location.
That particular area of Central/Northeast is actually quite booming with other great local businesses, as well as tattoo shops! I have noticed many other people my age moving into the neighborhood, so to see that we are actually getting more businesses geared towards people my age gets me real excited. It may be only one Wingstop but it's pretty cool to see Central expanding.