As far as I can think back, nothing has ever met any of my expectations rock n' roll couldn't cure. I have always either played drums or sang. It wasn't until I was 15 years old and Skid Row hit, the year was 1989. The fact that me and my hero sing a lot alike is an understatement! I really felt that if people thought he was an awesome singer that could work in my favor getting into a band. It also didn't hurt we have VERY similar facial features which made going to high school a better experience. The year was 1991.

It wasn't till Skid Row hit the music scene not too many paid me any attention. Then it happened. The moment Skid Row and Sebastian Bach, hit the big time people started too actually look my way. Taking my love of everything rock had to offer I took life and really got serious about what it was I wanted. Over the years me and my "doppelganger" have grown older but much to my surprise we still look pretty much the same. Good genes I guess? So who is your rock doppelganger, and have you met in real life? Unfortunately, I haven't met Sebastian but who knows one day maybe.....







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