This Creeper Featured On To Catch A Predator Can’t Live On His Own
Remember the horrifying show, To Catch A Predator? You're about to see where one predator is up to now since his special appearance on To Catch A Predator.
Somehow the Cappening Channel locked down some information as to what this predator has been up to. There have been very few cases that really learned a lesson from this show and others, not so much. For example, this man above was busted on TCAP on episode 34. He did confess to liking younger girls and saying he needed a girl in his life as he talked to Chris Hansen. You would think an event like this would scare his a** straight, unfortunately not for him. He still managed to get himself into more trouble after being featured on the show.
If you're curious about where he is now, the Cappening channel will be more than happy to show you!