Things That Out of Towners Like About Visiting El Paso
I know living in El Paso we have things that we enjoy about El Paso; but what I truly love is hearing what out of TOWNERS think of El Paso. For us, we might not consider them all the time (because we live here). But these are some common traits that I've noticed that people like about visiting El Paso.
People love the food.
We have so many different places to eat; whether you're looking for steak, a burger, Chinese or BBQ, there's definitely something for pretty much everyone here. If you want Mexican food, we've certainly got you covered there (look at Chico's, L&J Café, Kikis or Good Luck Café).
And let's not forget...Whataburger.
People are amazed just how close El Paso is to the Border.
People hear about El Paso being a Border town; they've also probably have had someone tell them that we're right on the Border. But once they've actually been here, usually they're pretty amazed that we're pretty much RIGHT NEXT DOOR to Mexico. Most people probably have not been to an area that's so close to the border of Mexico, but El Paso is.
How big (and small) El Paso is.
Despite El Paso being the 6th biggest city in Texas, with a population of over 680,000... sometimes it doesn't feel that way. Sometimes it feels like a small town; you run into people you've known for years or you know someone that knows YOU for some time. Yet despite this small town mentality, El Paso is a HUGE city. That's something people are amazed by; El Paso is a big city with a small town feel.
The weather in El Paso.
Yes El Paso is a desert city, so of course the temperatures can get very high (and we occasionally get the freak wind or rain storm). But majority of the time, El Paso is pretty sunny, over 300 days of the year get sunshine. If you're someone who loves sunny skies, then you'll appreciate it here. We are called "The Sun City" after all...
People get amazed at the landmarks
El Paso certainly has landmarks that people can to visit all the time; Hueco Tanks State Park, the San Jacinto Plaza Downtown, Scenic Drive, the El Paso Mission Trail, and of course... the most iconic one: the one most likely to greet you as enter El Paso: the Star on the Mountain. It holds the world record for the largest man made illuminated star in the world.
People love the crowds at concerts
When going to see Rival Sons & Greta Van Fleet at the Don Haskins Center back in March, I met this family who traveled all the way from Washington state for the sole purpose of seeing GFV. They weren't sure how the crowd would be (I'm guessing they're used to bigger stadiums or venues); but they were shocked just how intense the crowd got during the show.
I hope that family visits again because that is a fact no matter WHERE you see a concert in El Paso; Abraham Chavez Theater, Rockhouse, the UTEP Sun Bowl or the El Paso County Coliseum... when people go to a show, they will bring that intense energy with them.
El Paso is still very safe
When you travel anywhere, you have to be careful. El Paso has consistently ranked among the safest cities. In 2022, El Paso was bumped from #1 to #3 in the safest Texas cities, but people still can very safe in El Paso.
The cost of living in El Paso
Trying to find a place to live can be very difficult; especially with inflation. As of 2022, El Paso ranks as one of the most affordable places to live in the US (#1 among the top 50). For some, that might be an enticing reason to come to El Paso; the cost of living is much more affordable than most places around the United States.
It's awesome seeing what people think of El Paso; I know not everyone will share the same feelings but it's still nice to hear.

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