Things Texans Love About Themselves Vs. Things El Pasoans Love
A list was recently posted about things that Texans love about themselves. That's Texas overall though, here's how I think El Pasoans would rate these things
A-Z Animals recently posted an article about things that Texans really love about themselves. A fair list I'll say but, as an El Pasoan, I don't know that I agree 100%.
We El Pasoans have our own way of thinking.so, indulge me please, as I compare the two lists - all of Texas vs. 'lil 'ole EP.
I won't go through the entire list of 25 different items, I'll just compare a few with my own thoughts. In no particular order, here we go:
25 Things Texans Love To Brag About.
The first couple of things include size, freedom, independence ... things that, yes, Texans do treasure. I think those things are treasured by most anyone though so, we'll skip on down.
- Spicy foods. Texans do love their spicy stuff and many others throughout the USA do too. In El Paso though, spicy has its own definition. You think a jalapeno counts as spicy? In El Paso, that's a kids breakfast cereal topping.
- NASA launches. Launching and controlling space flight from Houston is a huge "pat yourself on the back" thing for Texans but, just 2 hours from El Paso, they're flying peeps into orbit fairly consistently via Blue Origin.
- Huge ranches. Props to the King Ranch but the Bowen Ranch, in far northeast El Paso, takes up a pretty impressive 88,000 acres.
- Super hot weather. Most of Texas can claim high temps. El Paso sets that bar high, topping 100 degrees most days between early summer and mid fall.
- State Parks. Texas has a bunch but the biggest one is in the 915.
- International boundaries. Texas has a few but the monster between El Paso and Cuidad Juarez carries an immense amount of traffic ... humans, goods, and otherwise ... far beyond others in the lone star state.
Check out the rest of the top 25 things Texans love to brag about here.
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