The Longest Highway In Texas Takes Almost 11 Hours To DriveThe Longest Highway In Texas Takes Almost 11 Hours To DriveTraveling at 75 miles an hour, without stopping, it will take you about 11 hours to drive this highway from end to end.Dubba GDubba G
Is El Paso The Most Obese City In Texas?Is El Paso The Most Obese City In Texas?The most obese city in the USA is in Texas.Dubba GDubba G
You Can Travel The World Without Ever Leaving TexasYou Can Travel The World Without Ever Leaving TexasOk, you can't literally travel the world within Texas but you can say you've been to faraway places without leaving that Texas hospitality.Dubba GDubba G
Top 25 Dumbest Cities In America – Did El Paso Make The List?Top 25 Dumbest Cities In America – Did El Paso Make The List?The top 25 dumbest cities in America have been named and 6 Texas cities made the list with 4 in the top 10. Did El Paso make the cut?Dubba GDubba G
How Long Is The Drive Around The Texas Perimeter?How Long Is The Drive Around The Texas Perimeter?If you're planning a trip around the edge of Texas, you'll need plenty of gas and plenty of time. You should probably bring snacks too ...Dubba GDubba G
El Paso Made A Texas “Worst Of” ListEl Paso Made A Texas “Worst Of” ListSome Texas City populations are flourishing, some are holding their own and some are in decline. Looking at you El Paso ...Dubba GDubba G
3 Times-2 Good, 1 Not So Good-Texas Hit The Record Books First3 Times-2 Good, 1 Not So Good-Texas Hit The Record Books FirstTexas history is loaded with firsts, here are 3 of the 1st "firsts" for the lone star state.Dubba GDubba G
Earning A Pilots License In Texas Is Actually Pretty EasyEarning A Pilots License In Texas Is Actually Pretty EasyNot that it’s any harder anywhere else, licenses are issued by the federal government so there’s only one set of rules. Texas is better though.Dubba GDubba G
Peeps In This Texas County Drink Way More Than The Others DoPeeps In This Texas County Drink Way More Than The Others DoI totally would have guessed it was El Paso county but nope, it wasn't us.Dubba GDubba G
World’s Largest Statue In El Paso Isn’t As High As Texas’ TallestWorld’s Largest Statue In El Paso Isn’t As High As Texas’ TallestThe world's largest statue sits right smack in the middle of El Paso yet, despite being pretty darn huge, it's only the 2nd tallest in Texas.Dubba GDubba G
You Won’t Believe How Big Or Old The Tallest Tree In Texas IsYou Won’t Believe How Big Or Old The Tallest Tree In Texas IsThe tallest tree in Texas is taller than the longest tunnel in New Mexico is long.Dubba GDubba G
Things Texans Love About Themselves Vs. Things El Pasoans LoveThings Texans Love About Themselves Vs. Things El Pasoans LoveA list was recently posted about things that Texans love about themselves. That's Texas overall though, here's how I think El Pasoans would rate these thingsDubba GDubba G