There are actually several reasons why El Paso cops touch the backs of the cars they pull over, one isn't quite so well known.

There are 3 main reasons that cops ... all over the country, not just in El Paso ... do this. One isn't all that necessary anymore but they still do it. Old habits die hard, 'ya know?

Here are 4 reasons they do this. One of these isn't as well known as the others and not all that many cops do it for the particular reason I'll get to below.

It's all about safety more than getting evidence or proving guilt. Ok, well a couple may cause the driver to inadvertently give something away.

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Reason #1.

To leave their fingerprints on the car. This establishes their presence if something happens to them and/or can prove later that they did approach that particular vehicle.

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Reason #2

To be sure the trunk is fully closed and secure. If someone is in there waiting to try and jump the cop from behind or run away, they won't be able to.

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Reason #3

That slight pause gives them a chance to survey the interior of the vehicle to see if the driver or passengers are fidgeting around or trying to hide anything.

Shocking Driving
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Reason #4

This is the (probably) lesser known one and the one that even some cops may not use for this exact purpose ... to startle the driver. They're not expecting a "thump" and this could cause them to jump, expose or say something incriminating, etc

That last one came from a law office so, maybe it is very common. I just hadn't heard that one until writing this. Be safe and, hopefully, avoid getting any cop prints on your car.

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