There is now a whole new, shaky, way to experience a movie in the theater... and you can experience it right here in El Paso.

Cinemark announced new seats, called D-BOX motion seats, are now in theaters in El Paso and beyond.

The new seats are described by the company as a way to enhance the movie experience "by moving and sparking the imagination through a series of perfectly synchronized movements, vibrations and textures that allow viewers to feel every moment as if they were in it."

You can even customize the seats by adjusting the intensity of the movements.

The seats aren't available for every movie, but it looks like they are intended for certain movies. Think like 3D glasses, except this experience will literally move you. Not sure if it's for people with motion sickness.

Cinemark is touting the launch of these new seats "just in time for several highly anticipated films to hit the big screen, including The Super Mario Bros. Movie.

Here is a further explanation as to what the D-BOX seats will do during your time watching the movie:

By synchronizing the movement with what's happening on the big screen, D-BOX provides you with a unique, hyper-realistic and immersive entertainment experience that you won't soon forget-- making it a great and exciting upgrade!

Sounds interesting, to say the least. But I do wonder how likely it is you'll end up spilling your popcorn or drink.

I did a quick search for D-BOX seats at our local theaters to see what the cost difference is and here is what I found for a showing of The Super Mario Bros. Movie:

D-BOX Seat:
- General Admission: $24.25
- Child: $21.00
- Senior: $16.25
Regular Seat:
- General Admission: $16.25
- Child: $13.00
- Senior: $11.25

So, you're looking at as much as an $8 upcharge for general admission and children and a $5 upcharge for seniors

The locations this is available in El Paso are Cinemark 20 XDCinemark East Montana and Cinemark West XD. There are no D-BOX seats listed at the Cielo Vista Mall location ... yet.

Question is: can you make it through the whole movie without feeling like you were just on a boat?

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