The Whataburger Museum of Art Needs To Show More El Paso Artists
It's no secret that El Paso LOVES Whataburger & many people love showing their love FOR Whataburger; from a mom showing her baby with Whataburger, to saving the day during a snowstorm, to people creating their own Whataburger loteria set. There's even the story of the El Paso man eating a 10 patty burger. The point is people love Whataburger & they show that love in creative, artistic ways.
Whataburger art is certainly not a new thing but... displaying the art in a MUSEUM IS relatively new. The Whataburger Museum of Art was created last year by Whataburger themselves. The museum is simply "a collection of artwork by the fans for the fans". You can find several amazing art pieces on the "thewmoa" Instagram page but I'll share a few pieces so you can see for yourself:
Someone even created a custom made Harley Davidson motorcycle called the "WhataBIKE"
There's even a section where you can find some of the artists who created this. There are many amazing & talented artists & creators featured there. However... there doesn't seem to be very many from El Paso. I think, the fact that we love Whataburger SO MUCH here... there are MANY creative ideas people can come up with. I would love to see a picture of the big W on the side of the mountain, maybe Paydirt Pete rocking a Whataburger shirt or a big 915 in the Whataburger font. We've seen Texans make creative stuff including a 6ft tall Whataburger tent shaped like a table number.
People CAN submit their art on the Instagram page so I think this could be a great opportunity for El Paso to show their love (and art skills) for the big orange W. I know we have some very creative minds in El Paso so hopefully we can see some El Paso inspired Whataburger in the near future...