This Spongebob Costume Will Blow Your Mind
As you watch this video, you might be saying to yourself "That's not Spongebob. I've been lied to."
Well, hold on. If you know exactly what this is from, props to you. If not, just hold on please. Here is the costume that graced the grounds of New York Comic Con.
Now, maybe you're confused. If not, again, props to you. If you happen to be confused, allow me to explain.
There's an episode of Spongebob Squarepants called 'Chocolate with Nuts', from season 3, episode 52a. It originally aired back on June 1, 2002. Here is the clip that this costume comes from.
The couple in the costume are Deniz Karademir and Michael Durso. You can follow them over on Instagram at @denizcakes and @the_dur7.
If you do want to copy the costume, you do have a few weeks until Halloween.