The Dose Of COVID You Get Determines The Severity Of Your Illness
Many people have been infected by COVID 19 but the individual reactions of these people has been all over the map.
Of those who have tested positive for COVID 19, the severity of the illness has been widely varied and experts now say that is due to the amount of COVID each person was initially exposed to.
Basically, the more of the virus you are exposed to; the stronger the reaction your body will have to it.
According to a report posted by KVIA:
“If you hit an animal with a low enough dose, they’ll be able to fend that off without developing any disease at all. If you get a magic number of an infectious dose, an infection will establish and that animal will then succumb to the disease from that particular pathogen. But if you hit them with more than the infectious dose, in most situations a high dose of pathogens — like a high dose of a virus, for example — leads to more severe outcomes. - KVIA
The article says that those who are routinely exposed to high amounts of the COVID 19 virus through mass interaction with others ... bus drivers, workers in high traffic businesses like grocery stores, restaurants, etc ... will be hit harder by the disease if they contract it than those who have minimal contact with potential carriers.
The article adds that the use of masks is highly recommended as a way to stop and/or minimize the amount of the virus you may be exposed to.
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