
RoboCop is a Reality???
RoboCop is a Reality???
RoboCop is a Reality???
Arizona law enforcement has a RoboCop of their own now, and luckily, this one won't go off on a killing spree.
Japanese Inventors Teach Robot to Cheat at Rock, Paper, Scissors [VIDEO]
Japanese Inventors Teach Robot to Cheat at Rock, Paper, Scissors [VIDEO]
Japanese Inventors Teach Robot to Cheat at Rock, Paper, Scissors [VIDEO]
They're already taking some jobs away -- do we also have to teach them to cheat at games? Robots already have several, unfair advantages. They don't eat, they're fearless, they're 100 percent committed to whatever the hell they're doing, their accuracy is spot on and they never show up hungover and smelly for work...
Fan Builds Remote Control Transformer Toy With A Drivable Mech In Mind [Video]
Fan Builds Remote Control Transformer Toy With A Drivable Mech In Mind [Video]
Fan Builds Remote Control Transformer Toy With A Drivable Mech In Mind [Video]
If you ever doubt that this world might be worth saving, consider the following: There is, right now, at this very moment, an engineer and roboticist in Japan named Kenji Ishida who is working on building a full-sized, drivable car that transforms into a humanoid robot that can shoot missiles out of its hand. If that news doesn't cheer you up (and make you at least slightly terrified) then really, I don't know what will.