America's first "sex robot" brothel could be coming to Texas. Unless Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner gets his way...

The Mayor doesn't want the brothel in Houston and has ordered his legal aides to look for ways to stop it from opening.  Aura Dolls, on the other hand, hopes to open this month.

According to their way NSFW website:

Aura dolls gives you the first realistic sensual experience with a girl who is made just for you. Our dolls are made from the highest quality of TPE silicone which mimics the feeling of natural human skin, pores, texture and movement giving the user a virtually identical experience as being with a real partner. We offer a wide selection of the most beautiful, exotic girls to cater to everyone's choice of beauty.

A petition to stop the business from opening had over 13K signatures at the time of this writing.  How many of the signatories do you think are human prostitutes trying to save their industry??

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