Sunday Funday Calls For The El Paso Heritage Cruise Night
The El Paso Heritage Cruise night is back on and wants your company! They get together every Sunday to put their cars on display or show you what they can do!
Eddie Cabral is your main man who still manages to keep the El Paso Heritage Cruise Night rolling. If you want to check out a cool car show, you will definitely want to see this one. They all get together and park along or drive up and down Texas street. El Paso Heritage Cruise Night begins every Sunday at 6 pm and goes on for a long while. They took a short winter break but back at it again showing you their passion. You also get to watch hydraulic low riders defy gravity right on Texas street. If you're looking for something fun and free to do today, the El Paso Heritage Cruise Night is a must.
If you're wanting to do a different kind of Sunday Funday, check out this free car show!