Spaceport Roadwork Approved By The BLM
More work has been cleared on Spaceport America.
Spaceport America, located sorta between Las Cruces and Truth Or Consequences, may start on a new roadway this summer. According to the Las Cruces Sun - News, construction has been cleared by the Bureau Of Land Managment, (BLM), who the Las Cruces Sun - News reported:
issued what are known as a Finding of No Significant Impact and a Decision Record in connection to a required environmental review for the proposed road improvements.
This doesn't mean the road will have no effect on the area's ecosystem, just that a plan to deal with those effects is in place. According to the article, they've also decided a full-on Environmental Impact Statement, won't be needed for this project. An archeological study is in the works and, if they find no issues, road construction could start in June.