NMSU Answers Questions About Student Athlete Shooting
The following are additional questions NMSU has received from the media and the answers we can provide at this time. This list will be updated as needed. Click here to see the full release.
Is there any disciplinary action on behalf of the university being taken against Mike Peake or any other student athletes? What is their status with the team and with the university?
Federal privacy laws (FERPA) prevent NMSU from commenting on specific students involved in student conduct investigations and/or any university disciplinary actions taken.
Were any other student athletes out of the hotel that evening?
Yes. We have become aware of other student athletes who have violated NMSU team curfew rules. Those student athletes were not part of this incident.
Are student athletes allowed to bring guns on team trips?
No. Possession, use or distribution of any weapon on university property or at a sponsored university activity is a violation of university student code of conduct.
If Mike Peake was alone, how did the team find out about his situation?
Mike called some of his teammates. They alerted the coaching staff.
Are the Aggies going to play in the Las Vegas tournament this weekend?
Yes. The team will travel to Las Vegas to play in this tournament.
Will the UNM game in ABQ be rescheduled?
We don’t have an answer to this yet.
Will the UNM game in Las Cruces still happen?
We don’t have an answer to this yet.
Are student athletes' bags checked before they get on the team bus?
Prior to this event, they were not. Going forward, they will be.
What are student athlete curfew rules?
This varies depending on the time of the game. For the weekend trip to Albuquerque, the team returned to the hotel from dinner at 10:30 p.m., watched film from 10:30 to 11:30 p.m. and bed checks were conducted at 11:45 p.m. All student athletes were in their rooms at that time. An assistant coach was also present in the hotel lobby from midnight until 2 a.m.
What hotel did the Aggies stay at that evening?
The Double Tree in Albuquerque.
Did the incident on Nov. 19 stem from a fight during the NMSU/UNM football game in Las Cruces?
This question should be referred to the New Mexico State Police.
Was NMSU aware of any fights or video of fights during the NMSU/UNM football game earlier this year?
Yes. These were referred to the NMSU Dean of Students Office for further inquiry.
Was any disciplinary action taken against any students as a result of those fights?
There were multiple fights that day. In some of those instances, the students involved were unable to be positively identified. In other instances, federal privacy rules prevent the university from publicly providing additional details.
Has anyone addressed the Aggie men’s basketball team regarding this incident?
Yes. The coaching staff has spoken to the team throughout the weekend. Athletic Director Mario Moccia addressed the coaching staff this morning and the team this afternoon.
Will coaches or Athletics administration deliver messages to the other teams and student athletes regarding this situation?
A news release from the New Mexico State Police can be found here: https://www.dps.nm.gov/blog/2022/11/20/update-nmsp-investigating-homicide-on-unm-campus/
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