Poppy Season May Be A Little Delayed this Year
Poppy season is a big deal here in the borderland. It certainly was a bigger deal this past year when stay home orders were put in place in El Paso. Last year for poppy season, many El Pasoans took advantage of the outdoors during quarantine and flooded the Franklin Mountains to find a moment of peace during a time of uncertainty.
It's almost March, which means we should probably be seeing the poppies start to bloom and engulf the mountains in a sea of yellow. However, as the days roll on by, I'm not seeing any poppies on the mountains. There may be a good reason for that according to the El Paso Museum of Archaeology.
If you haven't noticed, there has been a lack of rain in the Borderland and that in turn leaves everything dry. The El Paso Museum Archaeology took to Facebook to warn El Pasoans that we may not get the bloom we got last year.
With a cold front expected to hit the Borderland this coming weekend, with a chance of snow- it's possible that the blooming of the poppies will take a little more longer than expected.
However, once those beautiful yellow bulbs start to bloom, and before you prepare for that selfie, remember that we are still in a pandemic- it's important that you remember to mask up, El Paso! Take that amazing selfie to show off the beauty of the Chihuahua Desert- even if we don't get that amazing "super bloom" we got last year!

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