Plenty of Awesome Giveaways for 2018 El Paso Chihuahuas Season
The El Paso Chihuahuas released their promotional schedule yesterday, and there are lots of cool items to be given away during their fifth season. Pictured above is the Chico Ball, to be given away to kids on . Another day to remember is May 9th, when the Chihuahuas will give away 1980 Diablos replica caps. When some El Pasoans saw the throwback caps for the first time, they were confused with the design. The Diablos actually wore those caps at Dudley Field for the 1980 season.
Cooling towels, dri fit shirts, Texas flag beach towels, and replica jerseys are some of the other big promotional items planned for 2018. There are still more giveaways to be announced by the team during the season and "more fun to come," says Chihuahuas manager of promotions Andy Imfeld. That could include a bobblehead and other promotional items.
As for the breakdown of promotions by the days of the week, here is how it looks.
7 Military Mondays presented by Prudential
8 Taco Tues & Brews
9 Seniors Eat Free presented by Speaking Rock Entertainment Center and Diablos Days
12 Thank You Thursdays presented by Prudential and Thrifty Thursdays
12 Fetch the Fun Fridays and Flat Screen Fridays
11 Fireworks Spectacular Saturdays
11 Kids Day Sundays
2018 Promotions Calendar
April 10 - Opening Night - Rally Towel
April 11 - Baseball in Education Day
April 12 - Military Appreciation Night presented by GECU
April 13 - Fetch the Fun & Flat Screen Friday
April 14 - Fireworks Spectacular Saturday
April 15 - Kids Character Appearance - Mini Bat
April 16 - Baseball in Education Day
April 25 - Cooling Towel
April 26 - Chico’s Birthday Celebration presented by GECU
April 27 - Boy Scout Night
April 28 - 90's Night
April 29 – GECU Bark at the Park - Dog Giveaway
April 30 - Youth Football Night
May 1 - Youth Baseball Night - Dri-Fit Shirt
May 2 - Baseball in Education Day
May 3 - Golf Night
May 8 - Teacher Appreciation Night
May 9 - Volleyball Night - Diablos Throwback Baseball Cap
May 10 - The Hospitals of Providence Nurse Appreciation Night
May 11 - Girl Scout Night
May 17 - Thrifty Thursday & Thank You Thursday presented by Prudential
May 18 - Fetch the Fun & Flat Screen Friday
May 19 - One Hit Wonders Night
May 20 - First Responders Night
May 30 - The Hospitals of Providence Cancer Awareness Night
May 31 - Pride Night
June 1 - Game Show Night
June 2 - Fireworks Spectacular Saturday
June 3 - Kids Character Appearance - Chico Ball Plush Giveaway
June 13 - 80's Night - Fanny Pack
June 14 - Army’s Birthday Celebration presented by GECU
June 15 - Chico’s Golden Ticket Night
June 16 - 40th Anniversary of Grease
June 17 - Father's Day
June 18 - Softball Night - Fleece Blanket
June 19 - Celebrating Different Abilities Night
June 25 - Soccer Night
June 26 - Youth Baseball Night
June 27 - Martial Arts Night
June 28 - Animal House Tribute
June 29 - Fetch the Fun & Flat Screen Friday
June 30 - Fireworks Spectacular Saturday
July 1 - Jurassic Night
July 2 - GECU Independence Day Celebration
July 3 - GECU Independence Day Celebration
July 12 - Thrifty Thursday & Thank You Thursday presented by Prudential
July 13 - Friday the 13th
July 14 - Star Wars Night
July 15 - Kids Day Sunday
July 20 - Fetch the Fun & Flat Screen Friday
July 21 - Fireworks Spectacular Saturday
July 22 – GECU Bark at the Park - Dog Giveaway
August 1 - Swim Night - Beach Towel
August 2 - Singles Night
August 3 - Fetch the Fun & Flat Screen Friday
August 4 - The Hospitals of Providence Back-2-School Weekend
August 5 - Kids Character Appearance
August 6 - Spirit Night
August 7 - Taco Tues & Brews
August 16 - Military Appreciation Night presented by GECU
August 17 - Fetch the Fun & Flat Screen Friday
August 18 - Fireworks Spectacular Saturday
August 19 – GECU Bark at the Park Jersey Auction – Dog Giveaway
August 21 - Taco Tues & Brews
August 22 - Replica Jersey
August 23 - Yoga Night
August 31 - Fetch the Fun & Flat Screen Friday
September 1 - Harry Potter Night
September 2 – Lowe’s Fan Appreciation Day
September 3 - Labor Day
**All games, themes and promotions are subject to change.**
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