How Come There’s NO Street In El Paso Named After A Musician
Lee Trevino...Fred Wilson...Howze...Campbell...Mark Twain... what do these names all have in common? They all have a street named after them in El Paso. As someone who drives around El Paso quite frequently, I've seen many streets named after someone famous: You have streets named after doctors, famous athletes, authors, community leaders, soldiers but... have you noticed there are NONE named after musicians?
There's a website that has the name for every single street name in El Paso. Out of ALL the streets here, not a SINGLE ONE is named after a musician. Why not? I mean we have a street literally called "OTHER"
And another that says "Hope"...that's a dead end.
So I'll ask again... if we can hilarious names like that, why don't we have a street named after a musician? What constitutes a street being named after someone? In an interview with KFOX, civil engineer Sal Masoud said "Sometimes...the developer will name the streets after a theme or after people who have contributed to the society or it could just be any name"
Well... if that's the case... I can think of at least 5 musicians who have left a mark on El Paso & who definitely should have a street named after them:
Marty Robbins: Admit it... Marty was probably the first person you thought of when you heard "El Paso" & "music" together. It's hard to imagine that with such a popular song LITERALLY NAMED El Paso, that there ISN'T a street named after Marty. It's become ingrained in El Paso's history so I think that needs to be changed...
Johnny Cash: Who can forget the time the Man In Black got busted in El Paso? He certainly wasn't the first (nor last) to get busted for having pot in El Paso but everyone knows who Johnny Cash is. If there was a street leading into Mexico (or New Mexico) with his name on it, I think that'd be a nice little nod to history.
Dimebag Darrell: Anyone who is familiar with metal & Pantera knows the name of Dimebag Darrell. He was a full blown Texan who became friends with people in the EP music scene & KLAQ. In my opinion, that makes him an honorary El Pasoan.
Bobby Fuller: One of the oldest El Paso musicians, Bobby Fuller is a rock n roll legend. Bobby lived a short life, only to the age of 24, but during his career, he became known as the Texas Rock N Roll King.
Jim Ward: A local legend & one of the biggest stars from El Paso; he's still active in the music scene with numerous of music projects underneath his belt & he has gained respect with so many people in the music world. He has a lot of love 915 so maybe one of these days, the City can show its appreciation to Mr. Ward.
I know there are many streets named after some amazing people, people who contributed a great deal to society. But creating music for all of us to enjoy throughout life... that's also a contribution to society. I hope one day to see a street named after one of these great musicians, or any El Paso musician, so we can truly see El Paso's appreciation for all the great contributors in history.