Two new Brio routes start running today and several other routes will be changing slightly.

New Brio routes begin running today, one in the Northeast from Dyer and one from Alameda.

Alameda and Dyer will be the second and third corridor systems to be activated. Mesa Brio launched in 2014. Brio provides riders with improved speed and reliability through traffic signal prioritization for its buses, and offers upgraded amenities such as free WiFi, enhanced pedestrian pathways and lighting, and new branded and landscaped stations.

Sun Metro will implement schedule adjustments to existing routes to improve efficiencies and minimize the duplication of services as a result of the new Brio services. The schedule adjustments and service improvements will become effective Sunday, September 22, 2019. A detailed list of service improvements is included in the second document. -

For more info on which routes are changing and what those changes will be, click here.

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