Sun Metro Is Ready To Resume Normal Routes & Services
The COVID-19 pandemic has messed up just about everything but, the bus service is finally getting back to normal.
Sun Metro is just about ready to resume normal operations in El Paso after having been forced to scale routes and services back during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are planning a couple of virtual meetings to not only explain their reopening strategy but, also to get the public's opinion on the things they have in mind. According to the El Paso Herald-Post, here are some of the changes that Sun Metro passengers can expect:
- Reinstating fare rates and front-door boarding on August 2, 2020.
- Keeping seat-closed signs on every other seat to promote social distancing.
- Installing Plexiglas shields on all buses to maintain a barrier between passengers and operators.
- Continuing extra cleaning efforts to keep buses clean and sanitized.
- Requiring all passengers to sit while riding. Riding standing up will not be allowed to promote social distancing. Buses that reach passenger seating capacity will be assisted along the routes by buses on standby. - El Paso Herald-Post
You can join in on the upcoming meetings by clicking the link below on July 15, 2020, at 11 a.m.
You can take part in the second meeting via this link on July 16, 2020, at 6 p.m.
The return to full service is expected to begin on August 2nd, 2020. This only involves bus and brio routes, the streetcars not be put back into service yet. More info on routes, schedules, etc can be found by clicking here.