My First Experience with Section 105 at the EP Locomotive Match
If you've been to an EP Locomotive match, then you've probably heard of Section 105- in fact, you've probably just HEARD section 105.
In the inaugural season of the Locomotive, I only went to a few games but I was fully aware of section 105 and the 8th Notch support group. They're the ones you hear with the drums, the noise makers, the flags and most importantly, the chants and cheers you hear throughout a match.
As much of a Locomotive fan and supporter I am, I have never had the opportunity to sit in Section 105; I always thought it was an exclusive club and you couldn't just sit there if you were a regular person. Well, thanks to my good friend Mauri, he invited me out to Sunday's 2021 Regular Season finale against OKC Energy- where, for the first time I finally got to sit in section 105 with the other 8th Notch hooligans!
IT. WAS. AWESOME! The crowd, the drums and cheering! I had a blast! There are a few rules to know before entering section 105, like no hate speech, no fighting but standing and cheering loudly is HIGLY encouraged. For the full 90 plus minutes, we all stood and sang and cheered as the Locos took on OKC Energy (we won, BTW).
Being in section 105 the whole time I was reminded of my days cheering for the El Paso Patriots, where my uncle Johnny Go-Go was the loudest and most upbeat supporter of the team. I was also happy to hear that some of the same chants we did for the Patriots were being used for the EP Locomotive!
My uncle passed in 2014, but I just know that if he had been alive now, he would most certainly be in Section 105 with the 8th Notch, rallying the crowd with his drum and energy.
So, thank you Section 105 and 8th Notch, for allowing me to relive the memories I held so dear of my uncle Johnny Go-Go and for letting me be part of the gang for one night. See ya in the playoffs!
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