If You’re Missing the Balloon Glow, Here Is Something Similar Just with Different Balloons [VIDEO]
If you can't make it out to BalloonFest and wanted to catch the hot air balloon glow there is no need to worry. This is something similar to the balloon glow we will have just with different type of hot air balloons.
It may be cruddy that you're going to miss the balloon glow (like myself) but luckily you can check this out and get a similar idea. The bad ass part is seeing how they get them ready flaring those flames at night. The only thing that won't be featured at the BalloonFest are the fire jugglers, baton twirlers and so on. The look of glowing hot air balloons looks amazing from the look of this video. There is always next year to catch this amazing view at night and have more time to get that time off.
Hopefully this helps you have an idea what our balloon glow will look like and not leave you jealous!
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