A New Study Shows Music Can Help You Stop Suffering From Monday Blues
Monday's are very famous for making us feel like we need a pick me up and it's just the start of a new week! The best way to get that kick start for your heart would be turning on your favorite tune and raising the volume.
A new study from HealthLine shows that music can improve your mood and also reduce anxiety. Since everyone known to man hates Monday and suffers from Monday blues, well that can be changed! There are those that hate Monday because they have to wait another 4 days until party mode. Then you also have the one's that have the mentality of telling themselves only four more days left of work. But to help your Monday feel like a Friday is simple, quick and easy that's right in the palm of your hands. Turn on your music playlist, crank the volume (if you're not working) and see the improvement in your mood.
Hopefully you played the music video while reading this and don't forget to take the poll below!